A plan aiming to help Boomtown reach its sustainability goals through technology backed incentives & eco-education.
As like many other festivals, Boomtown Fair has a serious issue with festival goers leaving their waste behind. Not only does this impact the local environment, but it also costs a lot of money to run such a large cleanup operation that could otherwise be avoided or heavily reduced.
We are aware that the Boomtown Festival management team have already been implementing a variety of methods to reduce the amount of waste left behind.
After watching Luke Mitchell's festival summary video on Facebook from August, we wanted to offer our ideas to try and address the ongoing issue with waste and clean-up.
Some artists that are in popular demand and fill out stages such as Napes, Bish, Mandidextrous etc can get more sets to play whilst also encouraging people to clean up as a reward for access to these exclusive sets.
A separate 'green status' entry queue for all stages that can accomodate it (such as scrapyard)
For busy stages that can accomodate an extra entry lane such as the scrapyard, allow green status users to use the faster queue, this should help encourage non green status citizens to clean up their campsite to benefit from faster stage access,
Have a set of nicer toilets somewhere in the main arena specifically for green status users. In our opinion this should encourage a lot more people who may not be encouraged by other incentives.
Add an extra 10% onto drinks prices and mark all drinks prices at the higher price but make it clear when ordering at the bars and stalls that the cumulative 10% that has been taxed on each purchase will be automatically refunded to those who have a full sheet of green status days for the duration of the festival.
The second option is probably a bit more cost effective. It is essentially exactly the same thing but rather than refunding the money, it can be offset against the cost of next years ticket.
This will help with citizen retention for the following year as it only actually costs the festival if they buy another ticket and also it should help to shift plenty of tickets earlier in the year if it’s sent out as a “green status email campaign.
An important point with this is that the green status is only given on the final day of the festival once the citizen takes a picture of their packed up campsite (like many people did this year) showing that they have not left any waste in or around their area, as ultimately it’s this final day when things like broken tents, camping chairs, air beds, and trolleys etc get left behind.
This is probably the single most important part of the plan, as this is where most of the mess is left in the form of broken tents, chairs, rubbish left post Saturday night.
Also the incentive of stages and queue jump is gone, and festival goers will be tired, hungover and looking forward to going home so much more focus must be placed on this day.
Rather than the usual campsite upload, instead citizens upload a image of them stood with their packed bags in their clean, packed up campsite.
This final image can be uploaded and users can verify prior to leaving the festival site if they have qualified for full festival 'green status', which gives them the RFID spend discount on next years ticket (or a similar incentive)
The second part of the plan for the last day is to attempt to reduce the mess left by the small minority of people that just don’t care at all and never will, but still attend the festival.
The plan is to ask those who do believe in the sustainability plan to assist in the cleanup in return for extra incentives such as extra eco bond/RFID cash back, or free/cheaper tickets for next year.
Citizen enters the festival and is given their wristband, QR code stickers, information pack and bin bags.
Click on the citizen QR codes below to view the data attached to them
Josh Van Riel
Wristband: EX1M3D
Entry: 9/17/2022, 4:10:58 AM
Submissions: 1
Green Days: 0
Upload some campsite images to verify whether the campsite area is being kept tidy or not.
Download some test images here which you can upload wito see the QR code, GPS metadata and auto litter detection in action.
Drop files here or click browse thorough your machine
Campsite litter cleanliness results will be displayed here in a carousel.
Shows Citizen daily Submissions as GPS co-ordinates
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made by josh van riel